
I am ready to finally introdue my website,
I created the site to help me keep track of my numbers. I designed it to be useful for me such that I can check and enter my sugar data when and where I need. Putting the database on the web helps since now I do not have to translate everything inot a Excel spreadsheet.
I can also track my weight and A1C data on the same website.
Next I want to have better reports generated so that I can track things like how my fasting sugars are moving on average with my weight. Lots of cool data, but would need me to keep track of the information for atleast a couple of months.
The site is geared towards Type2 folks and only lets you track certain sugar numbers. For type 1 folks or the type 2 folks who really want to track more details, I would recommend trying out SugarStats. The SuagrStats folks seem to have a nice slick interface. Probably have more than one person working on their system.
Lets just get hold of our Diabetic lives. No reason to not test, track and evaluate our numbers.



Fenugreek seeds helping keep sugars in check

Nyquil got to my diabetes