Dear Diabetes - Thank You

Dear Diabetes,

Thank you for all that you have done for me.

The first few years of my life living with you I took a negative view of you and did my best to divorce you and remove you from my life. I was passive aggressive towards you and never gave you a chance to living together.

You have been a patient partner all along and have done your best on being on the point and reminding me that this relationship if a long term deal.

I am so glad that we have worked through our problems now.
You have taught me to:

  • Be thankful for what I do have every day
  • Be responsible for my health
  • Be responsible for what I eat and put into my body
  • Look at life in a positive way
  • Respond to any challenges with a attitude that I can find a way to resolve, or live with it.
  • Get Healthy
  • Smile more 
  • Help others who you create a relationship with
Hoping to have a long and fruitful relationship

Sincerely yours,


Unknown said…
Words to live by.


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