And the latest numbers are -

A1C was 6.8.
LDL - 124
HDL - 38

I feel a little bummed about this. I was expecting a lower A1C. Also hoping for a better LDL and a higher HDL. But I am going to look at this positively, atleast it was not worser.
The doctor was concerned that my fasting sugars are coming higher, mostly over 120. They are in the 130s most of the day. He thinks I need to consider going on some sort of medicine to be taken with supper that will keep my fasting sugars low by controlling the lever. I suspect this might happen is I cannot take control.

I am experimenting with some dinner foods now. Maybe add some protein and reduce the carbs consumed in the evening. Also need to get exercise wagon started. Luckily with the summer here, it is easier to take walks, but that does not seem to help the night sugars. Walks and other stuff keeps the daytime sugars in control.


Johnboy said…
Anil, please remind me what type of med regemin you are on.
Christine said…
From "about me" section: "Right now trying to control with diet and exercise."

Anil, those numbers aren't bad, but if your doctor and you feel meds will help bring your A1c down, that could be a good plan. No shame in that.


Fenugreek seeds helping keep sugars in check

Nyquil got to my diabetes